Now the in thing for boys are Bagugans, so t was the main subject and wish for my sons birthdaycard. I will participate with this card to Friday Sketchers challenge #117, you can find the sketch here. Papers from left overs, the background and colouring with distress inks, letters are peel offs, bolls from Daisy D's rub-ons.
lauantai 28. elokuuta 2010
Even this picture is behind the years, if I remember corretly, from Sammacco. It was very badly coloured, had to fix it "a bit". Well, it's good to notice from somewhere that the training really makes a difference :) I made this card based on a PB challenge, just didn't finish it on time, but better late than never!
perjantai 27. elokuuta 2010
Leimailutaivas haaste 5

Leimailutaivaan viides haaste kuuluu näin: Käytä vain yhtä leimasinta tai vaihtoehtoisesti luonnos, jonka löydät täältä.
Tämä olikin aika selvä mulle heti mitä käytän, kuvaukseta vaan tuli ongelma, en millään tahtonyt saada kohokuviotuja papereita kivasti näkyviin, mutta onnistuihan se jotakuinkin viimein.
Only one week for Stamping heaven now, the waiting time is getting shorter and the exitement is getting higher!
Stamping Heavens fifth challenge: use only one stamp or the sketch here.
This one was easy, I knew right away whitch one I want to use, just taking the photo was the problem. It was really difficult to take a photo so the dry embossed papers would show out nicely, finally I succeeded quite well.
Leimasin/Stamp: PSX (from Krista)
Väritys/Colouring: Derwent akvarell pencills, Promarkers
Glossy accent
Paperit/Papers: Tiimari ja Lidl
Ääriviivatarrat/Peel offs: Sinelli
torstai 26. elokuuta 2010
Kiireesti juhlimaan /Hurry uo to celebrate
Long time ago I stamped this PB picture from Maiju, had started to colour it, but for some reason it had stayed unfinished. Now I just happaned to crab these papers at the same time as the picture and the papers too remind me about Maiju, even though they aren't from her, and I just had to combine these two to a card :)
keskiviikko 25. elokuuta 2010
Pyöreitä vuosia ilman kuvaa/ Without a picture
Taustat kohokuvioin Impressabilitieseillä, keskuskuviot spellbindersin stansseilla, kiekurastanssi on Joyn, numerot Cuttlebugin Hippies , lehtistanssi Bosscut ja lisäksi vähän distress inkejä ja kukkasia,
tiistai 24. elokuuta 2010
Kesämuistoja/Summer memories
Nyt on vielä muutama päivä kesälomaa tällä viikolla. Ulkona jyrisee ukkonen, salamoi ja sataa kaatamalla, mutta satuinpa vilkaisemaan tallin kuvakansiota ja mitä sinne olikaan eksynyt! Kesäpihan kauneimpia kukkasiahan siellä loisti toinen toistaan kauniimpana! Olipa sinne Iiriksen, Pihajasmikkeen, Orvokin ja Keijunmekon sekaan mahtunut kuva omenapuustakin, näyttäisi tulevan kauniita omenoitakin tänä vuonna :)
I still have left some days left from my holiday and I'm going to be free for the rest of this week: Outside is thunder and lightning and raining heavily, but I happened to look at the pistures from stable and there where some pictures from our summergarden! Between Iris, mock-orange, violet and this beautifull flower for which I don't know an english name ( Rhodochiton atrosanguineum ) was even a photo of appletree, there seems to be some good apples too this year:)
maanantai 23. elokuuta 2010
Motoristimies/ Motorcyckleman

My littleborther is reachig the high age of 39 years today, with this card we celebrate this achievement. The picture is very bad, I just took a quick photo before sendint the card and only had my iphone to use.
sunnuntai 22. elokuuta 2010
My son is going to his friends 8-year party tomorrow. Because there's three cards to make and also because they are all boys, there's not too much embellishment in these cards. I used Cute Card Thursday's sketch, dressed Whiff of Joy Oakley with BasicGrey papers, just added some distress inks, cut the edges with Fiskars shape cutter and scissors. Also the backgroundpapers are from BasicGrey. Diamonds from Sinisiipi, number eight was cut Cuttlebugs Hippies stans.
perjantai 20. elokuuta 2010
This time I think I surprised even myself! Something totatty diferent as I ususally make, and I don't even know yet whether I like it or not... Have to think about it some time...
tiistai 17. elokuuta 2010
It was a lond time ago I made decoupage cards and what even more unusual, I used a CD! Thats something I usually don't use, bit I just felt like it now :)
Christmas feels to be very close already so it's better to start making more cards so it doesn't end to last minute job and maybe I will have time to make some cards for sale too.
maanantai 16. elokuuta 2010
Jouluenkeli/ Christmasangel
perjantai 13. elokuuta 2010
Leimailutaivas haaste 4

Tällä kertaa sanallinen puoli kuului: Feikkiakvarelli. Ohje, sekä luonnospohja täällä.
Yhdistin tälläkin kertaa DT-korttiini molemmat haasteet, käänsin luonnosta kuitenkin hiukan, jotta se sopi paremmin visiooni :)
It's already fourth challenge for Stamping Heaven, over the half way :)
This time the challenge was: faux akvarell or use the sketch. The instructions here.
I combined both to my DT-card again
Musteet/Inks: Distress Ink Peeled paint , Forest Moss
Leimasimet/Stamps: The Stamping Place
Puolihelmet/Pearls: Kaiser Craft
Paperit/Papers:Makin Memories Poolside&greenhouse paperikosta
Leikkurit/Punches: EK Succes
maanantai 9. elokuuta 2010
Rakkaalle ystävälle/ To a dear friend
sunnuntai 8. elokuuta 2010
Leimailutaivaan malliin/ For the stamping heavens sketch
Aika jännä miten eriltä oi kortti näyttää ihan pienillä muutoksilla!
I made a babyboy card with the Stampingheavens sketch as I had already made a babygirl card, using the same stamps, just a little bit different embellishent.
lauantai 7. elokuuta 2010
Sydän on löytänyt sydämen/ A hearth has found another
torstai 5. elokuuta 2010
Intiaanivarustelua/ To a little indian
Tällainen nuolikotelo siitä sitten syntyi, herra Möön lempiväreissä pysyteltiin, eikä liikaa koristeita saanut olla. Liimana käytin seepia accentia. Vähän korkeampi olisi ehkä saanut olla, jotta nuolet pysyisivät paremmin, muuten olimme tyytyväisiä :)
Mr Möö got exited about bows this summer. Arrows were uncomfortably to carry along on armpit, so we just had to head to the market and buy some Pringles so we could solve the problem ;)
This kind f quiver we made in Mr Möö's favourite colours, not too much embellishent. I glued with sepia accent. Maybe little higher would have been better, so the arrows would keep in the quiver better, but otherwise we were very pleased :)
maanantai 2. elokuuta 2010
Vauhdikkaat onnittelut / Congratulations
Kids cousin is turning whole three years and this card is for him, Hnery the spiderman is jumping in the middle of piders and spiderwebs high up to take the happy birthday massage to Niklas. Colouring with Distress Inks and to the eyes I added some glossy accent.
Leimasimet/Stamps: Whiff of Joy, Stempelkeller
Paperit/Papers: Tiimari
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