We have very warm summerweather here now, so I thought to make o picnic basket as a birthdaypresent for my friend with Randis tutorial. This basket was nice and easy to make, I don't think this will be my only one :) Inside I slipped a bow of chokoladeraisin and a grandi juice. I would have put some strawberries, but I had to send the present by postal service, so You know...
torstai 30. kesäkuuta 2011
Piknik-kori/ Picnic-basket
We have very warm summerweather here now, so I thought to make o picnic basket as a birthdaypresent for my friend with Randis tutorial. This basket was nice and easy to make, I don't think this will be my only one :) Inside I slipped a bow of chokoladeraisin and a grandi juice. I would have put some strawberries, but I had to send the present by postal service, so You know...
tiistai 28. kesäkuuta 2011
Päätinpäs sitten minäkin kokeilla reppulaukun tekemistä...voin muuten sanoa, ettei ollut mun juttuni ollenkaan... Työllä ja tuskalla ja vähän kai kiroillenkin valmista tuli, mutta jotenkin en kyllä tykännyt tehdä? Tää on varmaan eka tällainen taittelukorttijuttu, joka tuntui näin hirveältä. Jotenkin en vaan tajunnut näitä ohjeita. Ehkä joskus kokeilen uudelleen, ehkä en...

sunnuntai 26. kesäkuuta 2011
Kesäkuun korttikilpailu
lauantai 25. kesäkuuta 2011
Uusi pyörä/new bicycle
Sarah Kay friends challenge is key to happiness . Some time ago our daughter got a new bicykle and oh my how happy she was, thats where I got idea to this card; new bicycle, own doggyfriend and picnic; there's a lots of keys to happiness. I found the Sketch from sketch saturdays challenge blog. It was about time to blow the dust from my Sarah Kay stamps... Colouring again with Distress Inks-
perjantai 24. kesäkuuta 2011
tiistai 21. kesäkuuta 2011
Ystävän syntymäpäivä/ My friends birthday

Kerrankin ajoissa sain tehtyä kortin ystävälleni, jolla on syntymäpäivä tulossa. Hän ei täällä tietääkseni käy, joten uskallan julkaista hiukan ennen aikojaan :) Vielä pientä mietintää mitä muuta hänelle tekisin...
I'm in time to make this card for my friends birthday! She's not peeking here so I think it's safe to publish my card here a bit early :) Still have some ideas missing about her present...
maanantai 20. kesäkuuta 2011
sunnuntai 19. kesäkuuta 2011
Kortit samoista materiaaleista 4/4
Mukanahan olivat Riina, Lumituulia ja Ansu
soit's time for the last round in cards from same materials and this time it was Ansus turn to send the materials. I really liked these materials, I don't have anything like these in my stock, noe I'm just wondering why not?? I didn't want to hide the paper that's behind Ian, so it took a while for me to make this card and still this is how it ended to be. I had a lot of fun, thanks to all of You who participated, hopefully we'll do this again some time :)
tiistai 14. kesäkuuta 2011
It's not good to be too early... birthday party started on sunday at 6pm and guess who was still making a card at 5pm... it takes a half an hour to drive to little birthday princedd, so I had plenty of time, don't you think? And we still had to eat before leaving... I started to make this card based on Kenny K's last week sketch, didn't make it in time and I had thought to participate in ProMarker colour challenge pink/brown but forgot about it and changed ProMarkers to Distress Inks in between; it happens :) there was supposed to be some glitter in the corners, didn't have time to add glitters, but still, this ain't too bad ;)
maanantai 13. kesäkuuta 2011
These farmers and I we newer really have been friends. I tried again, because my son was going to celbrate his friends 8th birthday. We didn't get friends now either, colouring is too difficult, but it had to do now, because I didn't have time to make a new one. I like the colours though :)
sunnuntai 12. kesäkuuta 2011
Kortit samoista materiaaleista
perjantai 10. kesäkuuta 2011
Sweet sixteen...
16 years is a nice age...and difficult...anyway it's wonderfull time :)With this Kenny K firl we wished happy 16th birthday to my niece, who reaches this age today. The paper in the background is so nice that I had to make a bigger card this time, 'cause I didn't want to cut it. Just added some flowers and leaves and a rub-on with diamonds.
torstai 9. kesäkuuta 2011
nallea toiseenkin korttiin/ the bear in another card
From the materials Riina send me I made another card. From nice materials one can succeed to make a card that even pleases oneself too :) I painted the edges, made some distressing and showed a little bit ink too there and I even put a button here, hooray for me !
sunnuntai 5. kesäkuuta 2011
Kortit samoista materiaaleista 2/4
Pikkasen on kiirettä pitänyt, mutta sainpas viimein kortin valmiiksi Riinan lähettämästä runsaasta tarvikepaketista. Ihan en ole tyytyväinen väritykseen, mutta nyt en ehdi parempaa tehdä. Ihanat paperit, joista oli kiva tehdä korttia ja kyllä nuo lisukkeetkin oli tosi kivoja. Yleensä en nappeja käytä juurikaan, mutta yllätyksekseni ei se nyt tuntunut yhtään vaikealta :) Muut osallistujat ovat Lumituulia ja Ansu
torstai 2. kesäkuuta 2011
Opettejalle/ To teacher
School year is about to end and Nuppus teacher is moving forward to meet another challenges. It's a shame she's having a new teacher again, but what can we do. Nuppu was a bit sad, but then she thought thta maybe they will play less floorball with a female teacher :) We made this card together with Nuppu, in her little book she wrote little messages right from her heart to the teacher, hopefully he will appreciate it. Nuppu put it all together by herself
osallistuu/participating: HouseMouse challenge #96
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