Lapin loman lapset aloittivat virpomalla serkkunsa kanssa, palkoiksi saivat paljonkarkkia ja aika paljon rahaakin...
In our vacation in Lapland kids at first conducted a Finnish easter with their cousin, they got lots of candy and even quite much money...

Napapiirillä käytiin etsimässä Joulupukkia, mutta ensiksi tutustuttiin Peikon ja Tontun kotaan.
In Artic Cirkle we we're surching for Santa, but first we explored the tipi like hut of goblin and elf

Lapset ihastelivat jättikokoista lumiukkoa...
Kids were wondering about the megasized snowman

Ja tällaisiakin kuvia otettiin
And we had also this kind of pictures taken.
Joulupukin tuvassa ei saanut kuvata, mutta jännittävää oli ja lapset olivat aivan innoissaan :)
In Santas rooms fotografing was not allowed, but ot was thrilling and kids were absolutely exited.
I must tell to Ann the story behind my sons name Mr Möö, its none of them You thought :) You see, we have been reading one book, I guess a thousands of times, and my son likes it a lot, so he told me he wants to be called Mr Möö and gues what Mr Möö is???..............................He is.....................a toothtroll! (not a ferry but a troll who makes the holes to teeth :D) But my daughter really is a bud, like a rosebud, so it was easier :)