torstai 30. lokakuuta 2008

Monenlaista / Many kind of things

Viime tipassa sain aikaan kortin JCC viikon 29 haasteeseen. Ajattelin jo etten tekisi, vaan sitten päätin kuitenkin toteuttaa tämän jo pikään mielessä pyörineen ajatuksen.
At the last moment I made the card for JCC 29th challenge. I thought I wouldn't but then I decided to make real this idea that has been turning around inside my head for a long time.
Ja muutakin olen saanut aikaan. Penny Blackin leimasimella kokeilin tehdä korttia ja tässä se nyt on... vaan eipä ole yhtään sellainen kuin ajattelin. Ei vaan nappaa, mutta aina ei voi onnistua.

I did something else too. With PB stamp I tried to make a card and here it is... it's nothing like I thought. I don't like it, but then again one can't allways get lucky.

Tein myös keittiötaulun, johon olen kohtuullisen tyytyväinen, kuva vaan ei oikein tuo värejä esille, valokuvaustaidoissakin on toivomisen varaa :)

I also made a kitchen picture and I'm quite satisfied with it, the photo isn't the best possible, I obviously need more practice with my camera.

Ja karkkirasia, aika yksinkertainen, mutta en halunnut siihen liikaa kamaa.

And a candy box, it's quite simple, but I just didn't want to add too much stuff on it

2 kommenttia:

Ritva kirjoitti...

Aivan ihania juttuja olet tehnyt, haastekortti on hauska ja vauhdikas!

Els G. kirjoitti...

Raisa, you don't give yourself enough credit, your work is great!And you have been very busy!!!
I love the card for the JCC challenge, the image is soooo cute!
I also adore the card with the PB stamp, it's lovely!
But I know what you mean, I sometimes start a card and when it doesn't turn out the way I planned or wanted it to, it can be very frustrating! Sometimes I think we just don't appreciate the simple things anymore and always want to do better.
Anyway, I think your work is lovely, and I'm sure that whoever gets your beautiful cards, will be very happy with them!