Have you been on a card making frenzy or what! This is lovely, your colouring as usual is superb and I ALWAYS love the way you do distressing with ink, and this has to be my favorite none Medieval WOJ stamp. Take care & keep smiling Ann
Tervetuloa vierailulle! Olen Raisa, asun Sipoossa perheeni kanssa. Minulla on toiminimi Taikatuulentupa ja teen erilaisia käsitöitä, pääasiassa kortteja ja jouhikoruja myyntiin.
2 kommenttia:
this is a beautiful card, thank you for joining us at whiff of joy.x
Have you been on a card making frenzy or what! This is lovely, your colouring as usual is superb and I ALWAYS love the way you do distressing with ink, and this has to be my favorite none Medieval WOJ stamp.
Take care & keep smiling
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